homerepair requestspolicy and governmentNeighbourhood ServicesContact Info
Today's date is:

Mark Samek
Area Building Assistant

Contact: 905.572.WINK (9465) or 1.877.WINK INC (946.5462)
Emergency/Priority: 905.572.WINK(9465) x9
Email: [email protected]


Office Support & Administration

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 10am-5pm (closed Saturdays, Sundays & Statutory Holidays)

In Person: By Appointment Only - Please call in advance

Lorraine McKay
Lead Office Administration and Support

Contact: 905.572.WINK (9465) or 1.877.WINK INC (946.5462) x2
Email: [email protected]

Jessica Nguyen
Office Administration and Support Assistant

Contact: 905.572.WINK (9465) or 1.877.WINK INC (946.5462) x2
Email: [email protected]

Linus McInes
Office Administration and Support

Contact: 905.572.WINK (9465) or 1.877.WINK INC (946.5462) x2
Email: [email protected]



Kendra Martindale

  • Senior Manager, Client Services

Contact: 905.572.WINK (9465) or 1.877.WINK INC (946.5462)
Email: [email protected]


Director, Broker Of Record & Comptroller

Paul R.J Martindale
Asset Management, Real Estate Sales, Broker Of Record

Contact: 905.572.WINK (9465) or 1.877.WINK INC (946.5462) x1
Email: [email protected]


Maintenance & Construction Team

  • Raymond Anthony - Senior Installer, Maintenance & Construction
  • Brandon Anthony - Maintenance & Construction
  • Taylor Anthony - Maintenance & Construction
  • Anna Serano - Maintenance
  • Mario Serano - Maintenance & Construction
  • Rodrigo Serano - Maintenance & Construction




Office Security & Former Antiguan Beach Dog/Rescue


Chief Morale Officer
Sadly Missed, Fondly Remembered

In Loving Memory of K-C
June 1993 - August 26, 2010